The Sleigh Ride Challenge

The Sleigh Ride Challenge
Challenge Starts: 12/13/24 at 9:00AM EST
Challenge Ends: 12/23/24 at 8:00PM EST
Challenge Overview
For Time
10,000 meter row
Athlete with the fastest time, wins
* Tiebreak will be the time taken to complete the first 2,000 meters
Note: Athletes may only make one attempt during their challenge video.
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The Sleigh Ride Challenge
See info below for official standards and to register. Once you’ve completed your challenge attempt, submit your time and video evidence using the instructions in the Beyond the White Board app. Also be sure to use #ryourogue and tag @roguefitness to share your experience!
For Time
10,000 meter row
Athlete with the fastest time, wins
* Tiebreak will be the time taken to complete the first 2,000 meters
Note: Athletes may only make one attempt during their challenge video.
Challenge Start Date & Time: December 13 at 9AM EST
Challenge Close Date & Time: December 23 at 8PM EST
*Scores cannot be updated or added to the leaderboard following the competition close date and time. Please allow sufficient time for completing and submitting your score and video in advance.
- Scores for this competition will display the total time to complete the 10,000 meter row
Eligibility Standards and Age Groups:
Competitive Division
Male (Ages 14 and over)
- Light: Up to 147.99 LBS (up to 67.13 KG)
- Middle: 148 LBS - 211.99 LBS (67.14 - 96.16 KG)
- Heavy: 212 LBS and up (96.17 KG and up)
Female (Ages 14 and over)
- Light: Up to 120.99 LBS (up to 54.88 KG)
- Middle: 121 LBS - 167.99 LBS (54.89 - 76.20 KG)
- Heavy: 168 LBS and up (76.21 KG and up)
Community RX and Community Division:
Male (Ages 14 and over)
- Light: Up to 147.99LBS (67.13 KG)
- Middle: 148 LBS - 211.99LBS (67.14-96.16 KG)
- Heavy: 212 LBS and up (96.17 KG and above)
Female (Ages 14 and over)
- Light: Up to 120.99LBS (up to 54.88 KG)
- Middle: 121 LBS - 167.99LBS (54.89 - 76.20 KG)
- Heavy: 168 LBS and above (76.21 KG and above)
Note: Your weight class should be based on your weight when wearing all of the clothing/gear, to include shoes, you will wear for the competition.
* Competitive Division: Athlete scores count towards "Overall Challenge" and are required to perform the workout RX and follow all rules and video requirements outlined.
* Community RX Division: Athletes perform the workout RX, scores do not count toward "Overall Challenge" are not eligible for official records or prizes. Video submissions are not required. Athletes will receive t-shirts (if purchased) and registrations count towards a gym's total sign up.
* Community Division: Athletes can complete the challenge scaled, scores do not count toward the "Overall Challenge", are not eligible for official records or prizes. Video submissions are not required. Athletes will receive t-shirts (if purchased) and registrations count towards a gym's total sign up.
To be considered as a competitor, the athlete must register for the challenge at and follow all workout and video flows as outlined.
Equipment Needed
- Digital Weight Scale to confirm athlete bodyweight (analogue scales are NOT permitted)
- Dumbbell or Kettlebell for validating the scale
- A cell phone or iPad with live connection to or similar type programs proving time/date on your device
Rogue Echo Rower or Concept2 RowErg
- The Rogue Echo Rower or Any Concept2 RowErg model is acceptable
- No other substitute brands are allowed
- Damper can be set on any setting, at any time, but only the athlete can change it
- Ensure Rogue Echo Rower has most recent firmware update;
* Follow link - Rogue Echo Rower- and select software update and follow instructions to download app
Rower must meet the following requirements in order to be acceptable for this competition:
- Rower must be stock and not modified in anyway
- No weighing down of Rower
Note: If you are not sure if your rower will be accepted, please email pictures to for approval.
Permitted Equipment:
- Gym chalk (magnesium carbonate)
- Mouth Guards
- Nose Strips
- Seat pads
- Hand Tape
- Gloves
- Shoes of any kind MUST be worn
Not Permitted Equipment:
- Lifting belts of any type
- Liquid Chalk
- Tacky of any kind
- Lifting straps, support straps or any other kind of straps
- Braces of any kind
- Grip shirts
- Sticky adhesives or grip adhesives of any kind anywhere on the clothing, body or bag including spray or other
- Supersuits, support briefs, or other supportive gear
- Knee Sleeves or wraps/elbow sleeves or wraps
- Long sleeve shirts of any kind
Any athlete who alters the equipment or movements described in this document or shown in the video standards may be disqualified from the competition.
Flow & Movements
All equipment has been pre-set to the correct distance, see the attached PDF for setup instructions if you are not familiar with this process.
- Athlete begins seated on the rower
- On 3-2-1-Go the timer begins and the athlete may start rowing
* Athlete must remain seated on the rower for the duration of the 10K row
* At the completion of the 10K row the athlete must go into the monitor memory and show the tie break time (first 2km) and the overall 10km time
See the attached PDF on how to retrieve the above information from the monitor memory.
Rogue Echo Rower or Concept2 RowErg:
- Rower should be set to count down from 10,000 meters
* See the attached PDF on how to set the above. - Rower can not be weighed down or anchored to the floor at all.
Any athlete who alters/modifies the equipment or movements described in this document or shown in the video standards may be disqualified from the competition if deemed by the head judges to give an unfair advantage.
Video Submissions
All video submissions should be uncut and unedited in order to accurately display the performance. Videos shot with a fish-eye lens or similar lens may be rejected due to the visual distortion these lenses cause. Sound should be on during the filming. Be sure the athlete has adequate space to safely complete the movement and clear the area of all extra equipment, people, or other obstructions so that the video is clear.
The video should be shot from a 45 degree angle of the athlete with the camera positioned at a height that is level with the athlete's shoulders. Critical items that need to be clearly visible on the video:
- Walk around of the rower showing it has not been modified or anchored down
- Scale Verification and weighing of the athlete - wearing all equipment they will use to complete the challenge
- The process of setting the distances on the rower
- Full body of athlete and all equipment at all times during the entire attempt
- Clearly show workout data from the monitor memory of the rower used at the completion of the challenge
Next the athlete will need to follow the steps outlined below:
- The submitted video should start with the entire athlete in frame stating their name, the challenge name, their weight division and the date and time.
- The athlete needs to show the camera all the equipment and supportive equipment they are wearing or will wear for the challenge to confirm it all matches the rules outlined.
- Scale verification. The athlete must place a kettlebell or dumbbell onto a scale and show the scale reading is correct
* The weight of the kettlebell or dumbbell must be shown/visible to the camera
* The correct scale reading while the object is on the scale must be shown/visible to the camera - The athlete needs to measure their body weight on the digital scale, clearly showing the scale reading to the camera. Please then verbally state your bodyweight.
* The athlete must show they are not wearing any illegal equipment
* Athlete should be wearing ALL EQUIPMENT they will be wearing for the challenge including shoes, when they weigh themselves
* Show athlete on scale and show the scale reading and verbally confirm to the camera
* Confirm weight division. - The athlete will need to complete a walk around the rower being used to ensure they comply with the equipment standards.
- Capture monitor setup
* 10k total distance
* 2000m splits
* See rules PDF for visual setup by step on this process
* Athletes may receive assistance setting the monitor - Ensure the final camera set up position shows the athlete on the rower and monitor in full view.
*45 degree angle of the athlete with the camera positioned at a height that is level with the athlete's shoulders - The athlete can begin the challenge based on the criteria outlined above.
* On 3-2-1-Go the athlete may start the challenge - On completion of the row, the camera must to be moved to the rower monitor to show the total 10k row time and the first 2k row time.
* Please see the rules PDF for step by step instructions for how to show this on your rower monitor if you are not familiar with this process
* All of the steps above should be done with the camera continuously running for the video to be accepted.
* Failure to show these steps/items could make the video submission subject to rejection at the judges' discretion.
* Refer to the demo video on the Rogue website for a visual for how the workout and video should flow.
Challenge Leaderboard
Page 1
Competitive Male
Light, Middle, Heavy Divisions
1st Place | Rogue Echo Rower |
2nd Place | Rogue Echo Rower |
3rd Place | Rogue Echo Rower |
Competitive Female
Light, Middle, Heavy Divisions
1st Place | Rogue Echo Rower |
2nd Place | Rogue Echo Rower |
3rd Place | Rogue Echo Rower |
Top 3 Gyms with Sign-Ups
Total entries per gym
1st Place | Rogue Echo Rower |
2nd Place | Rogue Echo Rower |
3rd Place | Rogue Echo Rower |
Gym/Box Participants and Signups:
*Tie Breaker: highest placing team member
Note: Gym affiliations must be entered by the competitor during the registration process for it to count towards the total sign ups. Submissions through email are not accepted/credited